Friday, May 2, 2008

Her Fairy Tale Dream....

She rouse from the comfy Barbie bed…. Expecting the fairy tale imagery to continue… expecting a perfect image of what getting married and living away from family would be like… would feel like …
Part of her, was always not ready to know that life isn't perfect… part of her lives endlessly in a fairy tale… and seeing that Barbie bed, made the possibility for a fairy tale story build in her mind…..
Reality was never as perfect as her dreams… at a certain point… she had to listen and know.. that life isn't perfect… that it is hard to live away… away from the first human bonds created, away from family… sister.. brother… parents…
Having a sense of physical distance…. Detachment….. '3orbeh…. was painful.... as sad as imperfect as it seems.. it's reality that started to destruct the mental fairy tale expected… For a girl who made a decision to always witness reality from her angel.. .. in a room next to the barbie room…. watching tears tell a story of pain… of longing… was difficult… but yet… with every tear… they both would hear the laughter of the most adorable children… which makes it all.. worthwhile … in her eyes… that's what made life PERFECT… that laughter was always the echo of cries…. that longing's shadow is certianly true love…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"that laughter was always the echo of cries"
