Tuesday, March 31, 2009

حملة مناصر لأطفال غزة Appeal for Supporting Children in Gaza

تطلق جمعية الثقافة والفكر الحر، غزة، حملة مناصر لأطفال غزة نأمل منكم النشر والتوزيع
والمشاركة في ذلك .... الوثيقة كتب من قبل الأطفال وهي موجهة للأطفال

الرابط باللغة العربية http://www.cfta-ps.org/campaign/index.php

الرابط باللغة الإنجليزية http://www.cfta-ps.org/campaign/english.php
please post on your blog

Saturday, March 28, 2009

My awareness campaign!

It’s almost a year since I wrote allot of apologies…. And very weirdly I thought of rewriting that post on March 10th, the exact day I wrote it originally one year before…. I thought that many things have changed in my life, so when I returned to it, if found that it has been exactly a year and that was freaking weird to discover…. I was getting ready to travel, and my trip was a very busy one, I couldn’t get to write that post… here I am… waiting in JFK for my flight back… and I guess that’s the right time to rewrite that post… I’m returning with allot of new feelings… new thoughts of places and how to relate to them… a baggage filled with plans, dreams and aspirations… which I’m looking forward for …

Reading back my apologies felt like “That was Too Honest”! I guess I am on a totally different road now, I’m grateful I got my PMP, I’m grateful I followed my passion in my work, I’m grateful I learnt how to take time to just do nothing and enjoy having nothing as a priority on a weekend… I’m grateful that I’m almost done with my MBA, I’m so proud that what matters has differed to me, and that my priorities are clearer and that I spend my time doing something I believe in, with a place I can relate to and with real people… which is not necessary what others would feel important… so much has changed in a year, I’m certainly the same person, but I can see my soul reflected in my current life today more than any other day… I’m falling in love with this transformational phase… my priorities changed …and what matters to me now is not related to what used to matter previously…. It feels like a birthday post… I wonder if that post made it feel like a conscious accountability tool for me, or a motivator to do a real change… either way it has been very interesting and quick change in my life…. Not sure if I broke anyone’s heart! Not sure if I should apologize for that either… I know mine is almost healed and will soon be ready to fall again….

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Phenomenal Woman - Maya Angelou

Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size
But when I start to tell them,
They think I'm telling lies.
I say,
It's in the reach of my arms
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please,
And to a man,
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees.
Then they swarm around me,
A hive of honey bees.
I say,
It's the fire in my eyes,
And the flash of my teeth,
The swing in my waist,
And the joy in my feet.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

Men themselves have wondered
What they see in me.
They try so much
But they can't touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them
They say they still can't see.
I say,
It's in the arch of my back,
The sun of my smile,
The ride of my breasts,
The grace of my style.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

Now you understand
Just why my head's not bowed.
I don't shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.
When you see me passing
It ought to make you proud.
I say,
It's in the click of my heels,
The bend of my hair,
the palm of my hand,
The need of my care,
'Cause I'm a woman

Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

دعوة لمتطوعين شباب

يشكل مشروع حكايا خلاصة سنوات عدة من التعاون والحوار ما بين أفراد ومجموعات مختلفة في العالم العربي بخصوص مركزية "القصة" في نمو الفرد والمجتمع. يجمع هذا المشروع ما بين فنانين، مؤرخين شفويين، حكائين، وتربويين في شبكة، مجاورات، ورشات عمل، بدأ المشروع في شهر آب 2007، وأنشطتة متعددة منها موقع إلكتروني بالعربية والإنجليزية والفرنسية http://www.hakaya.org/ ، قاعدة بيانات "حكائين بلا حدود"، بالإضافة إلى مهرجان متنقل بحيث يتصدى للقصة بأشكالها المختلفة ويعرض كيف تغني المسرح والفنون ومحو الأمية وتكوين الهوية والحوار عبر الثقافات.

ملتقى حكايا هو مهرجان سنوي يقيمه مسرح البلد للسنة الثانية على التوالي، سيعقد لهذا العام في شهر نيسان / ابريل المقبل خلال الفترة من 9-13/4/2009.

وبناءاً عليه يعلن "ملتقى حكايا" فتح باب التطوع لكل شاب/ة لديهم الرغبة في مشاركتنا لإنجاح هذا الحدث الثقافي واكتساب الخبرة وذلك من خلال التطوع في إحدى اللجان التالية:

· اللجنة الفنية ( تقنيات العروض )
· لجنة تنسيق المهرجان ( الدعاية والمطبوعات، الرعاية والتمويل )
· لجنة مقهى الحكايات ( تنسيق العروض في المقاهي )
· اللجنة الإعلامية ( صحافة وإعلام، الموقع الإلكتروني، تواصل جماهيري )
· لجنة شؤون الفرق وضيوف المهرجان ( برنامج الفرق اليومي، مواصلات الفرق الداخلية، استقبال من وإلى المطار وغيره، وجبات طعام وإقامة الفرق والضيوف )
· اللجنة المالية ( تذاكر،محاسبة )
· لجنة العروض الخارجية ( تنسيق العروض خارج عمان )

أرجو العمل على تعبئة الطلب أدناه، بتاريخ اقصاه 15/3/2009، او التواصل معنا مباشرة على الملتقى التربوي العربي هاتف رقم 5687557 - 06

ترسل كافة الطلبات إلى البريد الإلكتروني: toleen@hakaya.orgللمزيد من المعلومات حول "حكايا" الرجاء زيارة

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Done with Passion.... you can tell

It’s amazing how things done with passion immediately touches us. I’ve been noticing this for so long, but it has hit me recently more than ever by several initiatives or art which completely touches my soul, and I know for sure it must have meant allot to the person who did it for it to be able to still get out of that person’s heart and transform into a beautiful idea, product, or space. That can touch me! Where I am someone of no direct relation to that initiator, expect that we live in the same world !! I have three Ammani examples which recently are making me hopeful that there is still allot of hope in that there are so many people who wholeheartedly follow their passions…. And do what they feel like doing with allot of passion.. Nadine Othman is one of these people… her art work is done with allot of passion, she stares at each of the paintings she has done and tells her story and inspiration to that painting in a very passionate way…. You just love it.. her art work is very unique! Very expressive… touches you… you don’t have to be an artist to find out that she has done it with allot of passion.. that its real art…
Adraj is another example…. A unique space done with allot of effort and little resources down town Amman….. because these people tried passionately to make the space appealing for them, its appealing for anyone who enters it… when people create a space passionately that is comfortable for them anyone who enters that space would feel comfortable in it… even if you think its not your taste of furniture or designs, you can still feel it, it touches you, and you know those people did allot of effort in that place… you can easily tell…. It touches your soul….
Interruptions, the architecture publication is another example of things you feel its soul easily… this publication is obviously done with allot of passion too… I mean I have nothing to do with architecture except that I live in a house that’s probably designed by an architect, my best friend is a great architect, I like the word architecture, I hear the word “Tasleem” more than often, I get to read allot of architectural projects in my monthly subscribed PMI magazine, as its usually one of the case studies or feature articles to highlight project management practices… But I mean that’s about it… yet I enjoyed reading through this magazine… and I felt the passion of those who did it…..

So life feels very good when you get exposed to other people’s passions in your daily life…. When you attend a touching concert where musicians are completely involved and enjoying playing on stage… you just love it…. When you attend an art exhibit and you feel the shining eyes of the artist… and you know its not a business out there…. It’s a real passion…
Life remains interesting… I just love it…